Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Holiday Food

During the holiday season, it’s important to make sure that your pet doesn't consume dangerous foods. Sugary treats, turkey, and bones are all things that could injure your pet or make them ill if they’re consumed. We recommend warning your guests about the danger of handouts for your pet and keeping your pet in a separate area of the house during holiday festivities, for their own safety.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sunday is National Take a Hike Day

Thinking of going for a hike this Sunday to celebrate National Take a Hike Day? If you’re bringing your pet, make sure they’re up-to-date on their flea and tick preventative!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Autumn Safety Tips

Ah, fall—there's nothing like crisp, cool air, the first months of school and luscious foliage to get you excited for the changing seasons. Your pet, too, is probably welcoming the break from hot, sticky weather. But pet parents, beware—fall is also a time of lurking dangers for our furry friends. From household poisons to cold weather hazards, the season is a minefield! Here are some tips to keep your pet snug and healthy during the autumn months.
  • The use of rodenticides increases in the fall as rodents seek shelter from the cooler temperatures by attempting to move indoors. Rodenticides are highly toxic to pets—if ingested, the results could be fatal. If you must use these products, do so with extreme caution and put them in places inaccessible to your pets. 
  • It's back-to-school time, and those of you with young children know that means stocking up on fun items like glue sticks, pencils and magic markers. These items are considered “low toxicity” to pets, which means they're unlikely to cause serious problems unless large amounts are ingested. However, since gastrointestinal upset and blockages certainly are possible, be sure your children keep their school supplies out of paw's reach. 
  • Training tip: If you and your pooch haven't been active outdoors in a while because of the summer heat, do some remedial recall training. Dogs, like people, get rusty on their skills if they aren't using them. 
  • Fall and spring and are mushroom seasons. While 99% of mushrooms have little or no toxicity, the 1% that are highly toxic (PDF) can cause life-threatening problems in pets. Unfortunately, most of the highly toxic mushrooms are difficult to distinguish from the nontoxic ones, so the best way to keep pets from ingesting poisonous mushrooms is to keep them away from areas where any mushrooms are growing. Contact your veterinarian or theASPCA Animal Poison Control Center immediately if you witness your pet eating a wild mushroom. 
  • In order to generate body heat, pets who exercise heavily outdoors, or who live outdoors, should be given more food during colder seasons. Make sure horses and other outdoor animals have access to clean, fresh water that is not frozen. 
  • Autumn is the season when snakes who are preparing for hibernation may be particularly “grumpy,” increasing the possibility of severe bites to those unlucky pups who find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. Pet owners should know what kinds of venomous snakes may be in their environment—and where these snakes are most likely to be found—so they can keep pets out of those areas. 
  • Many people choose fall as the time to change their car's engine coolant. Ethylene glycol-based coolants are highly toxic, so spills should be cleaned up immediately. Consider switching to propylene glycol-based coolants—though they aren't completely nontoxic, they are much less toxic than other engine coolants.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Tomorrow is International Homeless Animal Day

Did you know that tomorrow is International Homeless Animal Day, honoring pets in shelters? If you’re looking for a new pet, we encourage you to visit the shelter to consider adopting an animal in need. There are many great pets in shelters, just waiting for a second chance.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pets & Camping Safety

Camping just isn’t the same without the dog, but make sure that you’re prepared for a pet-friendly campsite before you go. Be sure your pet is up-to-date on all flea, tick, and heartworm preventatives, and that he or she has plenty of their own food packed for the trip. Don’t forget to bring some toys for your dog, like a ball to throw around at the campsite! Does your dog like to go camping with the family?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Over-the-Counter Medications & Pets

Pets are often curious creatures, wanting to check out things around the house. Because of this characteristic, it’s important to always store dangerous substances like medicine far from their reach. Pets have been known to accidentally ingest whole packages of pills and the results are often serious, sometimes fatal. Keep your pet’s safe at home by storing your medicine safely out of their reach.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Pets & Cookouts

Remember to keep your backyard barbecues pet-friendly by keeping snacks and dangerous barbecue equipment out of reach. Grills can get extremely hot and easily knocked over, so keep your pet supervised at all times when there is food around. And don’t forget! Keep that garbage can lid on tight. We want your summer celebrations to be a safe and happy one for you and your pets!\

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Pets & Heatstroke

Did you know that heatstroke is more than just weakness caused by overheating? Heatstroke can be extremely dangerous for people and pets, causing brain damage and even death. Be aware of the danger of heatstroke, and make sure your pet always has a cool, shady place to relax, and plenty of fresh, cold water to drink in the summer.